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The idiom of the month

can of worms (Informal)

Meaning: If you say a situation or an issue is a can of worms, you think that getting involved in it could lead to problems.

For example:

Corruption in politics is such a can of worms that many journalists won't take the risk of seriously investigating it.

Cathy never talks about her childhood. She says it's a can of worms she doesn't want to open, though I have no idea why.

Quick Quiz:

The investigators knew that examining the company's books might open a can of worms. They suspected there'd be

a. a huge number of worms

b. nothing seriously wrong

c. evidence of serious crimes

The phrasal verb of the month

cut out (Informal)

Meaning: If you tell someone to "Cut it out!", you want them to stop doing something annoying.

For example:

cut out sth Cut out the fighting, you two, and do your homework.

cut sth out The kids were playing cricket near the house until their father told them to cut it out before they broke a window.

Quick quiz: which is the correction option?

Mom told the kids to cut it out when she saw them

a. fighting in the living room

b. reading their books

c. tidying their bedrooms

Promos 2010

¡Aprovechá nuestros cursos que comienzan en Marzo!
Cursos personalizados: individuales o en grupos reducidos. La metodología se adapata a tus necesidades.
Cursos grupales: de 5 personas. Todos los niveles
Clases in-company: ¡vamos a tu empresa u oficina!.. ¡la mejor manera de capacitarte optimizando tiempo y recursos!
Clases de conversación: ideales para aquellos con un nivel intermedio o superior.
Portugués: todos los niveles. Portugués para turismo o para el trabajo.

Consulatnos sobre estas u otras opciones a traves de nuestras vías de contacto:
skype: marcela.ils
msn: marcela.ils@hotmail.com
mail: idiomas.ils@gmail.com

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